Gärtnerhof Bienenbüttel (Bienenbüttel market garden) is one of the first vegan organic operations in Germany. Since its foundation in 1978, it has been growing vegetables organically. It does not use any animal based inputs such as liquid manure, dung or horn shavings, but rather relies on a plant-based soil structure which is attained through a system of triple field cultivation, a versatile green manure and organic fertilisers of purely plant-based origin. On this healthy soil the crops grow without chemical fertilisers, pesticides and genetic engineering. A lot of manual work is done, from sowing the seeds to the harvest. Flower strips, hedges and shrubs contribute to the biological plant protection. This all helps to create a natural balance for the fields.The fruits of this form of cultivation are tasty, wholesome and full of vitality. The products of Gärtnerhof Bienenbüttel are sold directly on the farm and on local farmers’ markets.